In Honor of the 4th
What is your favorite 4th of July memory? (If you aren't in the U.S., then use your own national holiday.)
July 4, 1976- my family spent the day at Disney World. At the end of the day, there was the most spectacular fireworks display I've ever seen. I don't know if it was because it was the bicentennial, or because I was a little kid at the time- but the show seemed to go on for hours. I do recall that getting out of the park and back to our hotel took until 2 o'clock in the morning.
Fireworks- love them, hate them or somewhere in between?
I love the professional fireworks displays. I don't really care for fireworks that people light off at home. I want to see pretty lights, not loud booms. Unfortunately, I can't go see the fireworks show tonight as it doesn't even start until 10 o'clock and I have to work tomorrow.