Various ramblings....random thoughts..
Like a maze where all the walls continually change..
You never know where you'll end up.
I'm so well behaved, I'm the "textbook" definition of good. So, look around and enjoy your visit.
I might surprise you now and again and be the "textbook" defintion of bad...
Name: Lisa From: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States About me:
Under your bedWhat is underneath your bed? I don't like to keep anything under my bed at all but right now I have a lock box under there. If I told you what was in there, I'd have to kill you.
Train If you could take the train from anywhere to anywhere, where would 'anywhere' be? I'd take the Orient Express from London to Rome, stopping in Paris, Innsbruck, Verona, Venice and finally Rome.Question Of The Day
posted by Lisa at 1/27/2006 07:18:00 PM ¤ Permalink ¤