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Monday, March 06, 2006
Monday's A Bitch
Random Joy 1. Seven Deadly Friends: Just to cap off our segment on the seven deadly sins, which of your friends would you associate with each of the sins? Try not to use the same name more than once. (This is meant to be all in good fun, in less of course you don't want it to be!) I'm not even going to go there! I get into enough trouble as it is. 2. What one item do you wish you could win a lifetime supply of for pure practicality's sake? Gasoline, pumped into my auto so I don't have to do it. 3. How about luxury's sake? A lifetime supply of wine! 4. Would you rather date someone with a unibrow or a mustache? Ew, neither one! I'd hate to see a woman with either one of those choices. I don't do hirsute! There are plenty of options out there, laser, electrolysis, waxing and tweezers. 5. Do you feel guilty taking things from others without giving back? It depends on what it is, but I'm a give and take kind of person in general. I enjoy giving to the people I know and care about.
posted by Lisa at 3/06/2006 01:02:00 PM ¤ Permalink ¤


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