1. Are there medicines you have to take everyday? If so, is it a drag?
There are probably medicines I
should take every day, but I won't. So yes, I suppose it was a drag. I don't like pills.
2. Are you more of a Western medicine fan, or Eastern? Wny/why not?
As my usual approach to many things in live, I blend what I see is the best of both worlds.
3. Are you one of those people who avoids doctors at all costs and just self-medicates as need be, or do you check in with a 'professional' from time to time?
Let's get one thing straight- I hate the doctor. I hate going there, I hate the smell, I hate her poking around on me, asking me questions and most of all I hate getting poked with needles. I am a very bad patient, I admit it. I didn't go to the doctor for about 5 years. I fianally gave in and went last year and I am paying for my years of staying away now. Or maybe I'm just getting old! ;-)
I posted my answers