What ever happened to Separation of Church and State? Isn't that a foundation on which this country was built?
I for one think that it is perfectly fine to not mention Jesus Christ in a State setting. Not everyone is a Christian- not everyone has to be a Christian and not everyone should be made to participate in a Christian prayer. Just because Christians are in the majority in this area does not allow us to force our agenda on those who are not Christian. Tonight on the news there was an opponent of the prayer issue. She was carrying on about "rebuking all the liberals". Is it being suggested that if you are not a Christian you're going to burn in hell? What about all the Muslims, Buddhists, Jews who do not pray to Jesus Christ? How can any one judge millions of people in the world? It infuriates me and I find it extremely hypocritical that some of those who tout themselves as the most "Christian" are the first to condemn those who are not like themselves. Okay- I'll get off my soapbox now.