As I don't like to have my own picture taken, I instead turn the camera on others. I had my camera with me this morning on the way to school. I snapped this shot of the Ianizer when he wasn't aware I was doing so. We were right by his school and he was obviously already deep in thought, getting ready for the day. Unfortunately, his glasses obscure his gorgeous brown eyes. But then again, what 13-year-old boy wants to have gorgeous eyes? I used a editing filter to make the photo sepia tone so you can't tell, but his hair is still wet. I hate that he leaves the house with wet hair, I'd never do that myself. I'd rather blow up my hair dryer trying to get it dry in reasonable amount of time....
Wow, your boy is a cutie. I bet he has to fight the girls off. He looks like a singer in an alt-rock band.