I'm Hot For Teacher
1. Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)?
Mr. Warren, Mr. Stamm, Mrs. Besinger, Mr. O'Keefe
2. What did they teach?
Computer Programming, Government, French, Social Studies repsectively
3. What is your best memory from that class?
In French class we had free-day Friday each week where we could play French games like Mille-Bornes and Clue in French.
4. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who?
Yes, I did- Mr. O'Keefe, my seventh grade social studies teacher.
5. What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school?
My future-ex husband wore a mini skirt and high heels in a play for drama class. (no, he is not gay!) I wish I had my hands on
that particular photo!