3x Thursday: 02/09/y2k+6: Work
1. Whether you like it or not, do you take your job and work seriously? Why/why not?
I take work very seriously. I always strive to do my personal best, it is just a part of me.
2. What's your work ethic like?
I have a strong work ethic. I'm more of a slave-driver out of work than in work though. I work hard when I'm at work, but by no means am I a workaholic. I actually have very "fluffy" work hours. I value family and fun equally to work and try to keep a good balance.
3. Have you ever been in a managerial position? If so, how is it/was it?
Yes, I have and it works well for me. I am very tactful when working with people and treat people with respect; therefore, I'm treated the same way by them.
Bonus Question for Comments: If you could change one policy at your work, what would it be? Why?
Policy, what office policy??? I set most of my own rules ;-)
Thanks for posting this week!